
Commodity Trading Online Brokers

Saturday, December 09, 2006

There are a large number of brokerage firms with an online presence that offer commodity trading as part of their services.

In order to start trading on one of these sites, you have to register yourself and obtain an account. Once this is done, you will be able to choose a trading platform that best suits your needs. The trading platforms have been designed to fit the profiles of the various kinds of traders – from novice to experienced futures traders.

As part of the service, you will also be able to avail the help of brokers who will advise you on commodities to buy or sell, and give other pertinent investment advice as well. The trading platforms come with built-in live streams of various stock exchange trading details and news feeds from various sources. The ultimate aim of these platforms is to enable you to make informed decisions regarding the commodity futures trading. Trades can be done at the click of a mouse, thus making it easier for those traders who wish to eliminate the role of advisers and take all decisions by themselves.

There are various kind of commodity trading execution services available for the traders as well, depending on their depth of knowledge and preferred mode of trade – through the services of a broker, fully automated trading program or through self-decision making platforms.

Brokers will charge fees for their services. These fees are usually taken at the time of registering, and then at regular intervals. If you do not wish to have a broker make the decisions for you, then you can opt for a discount trading account which will provide you with just enough information and a basic trading platform for you to make the decisions yourself.

It is worthwhile to check out the reputation and veracity of the brokerage firm you ultimately choose to use.

Currency Trading – We Published 5 Trades On Monday and ALL Made Big Profits! Why?

xIf you read our “currency trading big profits for the week ahead” from Sunday and took the trades you will now be sitting on huge profits for the week.

Are we gurus or knew what was going to happen of course not! The lesson is in timing moves with a sensible strategy that anyone can use.

Lets look at how you could use the tools we used to pile up huge gains.

The Importance of entry

We all know this is the key how do you get in with the best risk reward with your currency trading?

The answer is the Bollinger band and simple support and resistance the bands give you targets and support areas to focus on.

Now for the hard bit, timing your entry!

Timing the entry

Many traders like to predict the market and get in early this is a mistake.

You should always wait for strength if you want to go long or weakness if you want to go short.

This is where the stochastic indicator is so effective. As a short term momentum indicator it is un rivalled and trading bullish and bearish divergence is extremely effective.

The result

We focused on 5 trades (while we gave advice on the yen we decided to stand aside although the advice was correct) but the other 4 we took and piled up huge gains for the week.

Focus on the long term

Our view last week was to get in to our trades focusing on the long term dollar downtrend.

We had a good dollar correction to the upside that was obviously running out of steam and acted accordingly and got some great profits.

Keep it simple!

Many traders will say or currency trading last week was simple strategy, we will take that as a compliment that’s what trading should be!

The more complicated your strategy is the more likely it is to fail. There is no correlation between a complicated strategy and profits in fact the reverse is true, the simpler the strategy the more robust it is in the face of brutal market conditions.

Bulk Email Marketing

Friday, December 08, 2006

xTo save on cost, companies are choosing below the line marketing of their products and services and the promotion of their corporate image. They are reaching out to their target audience and market with regular e-magazines and e-newsletters through the aid of the Internet and bulk email marketing.

Email marketing is effective and practical especially for start up companies. Virtually unknown brands can draw an audience of millions around the world through bulk email marketing. There is a downside to using bulk email marketing. It has close associations with spamming – sending unsolicited advertising and marketing campaigns to an indiscriminate addressee list. Nobody wants to receive spam mail.

This however does not mean that companies should shy away from bulk email marketing. A sound alternative would be to create an opt-in list. This lists addresses only those that opt to receive email from a certain party. Those who decline are automatically taken off the list. Opt-in lists can be bought from suppliers. They usually come from surveys Internet users fill out. Bulk email marketing is a good investment for businesses. Companies can communicate with their clients as often as they want with the least amount of expense.

However, since spammers do exist, there must be a market in spamming. If you believe this method will work for you, and that there are enough people out there not using spam blockers, then go ahead and try the unsolicited bulk email route. The response rate will be very, very slim, but it might be enough.

FX Trading Platforms

Traders in FX trading can be grouped into one of four basic types- bankers, brokers, customers and central banks. Bankers, banks and other financial institutions do the lion’s share of trading. They make profits buying and selling currency to each other. Approximately two-thirds of all Forex transactions involve banks dealing directly with each other.

Brokers or dealers sometimes act as intermediaries between the banks, helping them or other traders looking for a good deal find out where they can get the best currency trade. Buyers and sellers like working through brokers or dealers because they can trade anonymously through intermediaries. Brokers make profits on currency exchanges by charging a commission for the transactions they arrange.

Customers, which primarily are major companies, trade currency so they can operate globally or invest internationally. Companies that trade currencies regularly have their own trading desks, while others conduct their currency trading through brokers or banks.

Central banks like the US Federal Reserve, acting on behalf of their governments, sometimes participate in the Forex market to influence the value of the currencies of their respective countries. For example, if the Federal Reserve believes the dollar is weak, it may buy dollars and even encourage central banks of other countries to do the same in the Forex market to increase the value of the dollar.

Among the many factors that impact the value of a nation’s currency are business cycles, political developments, changes in tax laws and stock market news. Traders must monitor all these potential factors so that they can stay on top of political or economic changes that impact the value of the currencies they hold. Currency trading, like other forms of trading, is affected by the basic economic principle of supply and demand. When a large amount of one type of currency is available for sale, the market can be flooded with it and the price of that currency drops. When the supply of currency is low and the demand for it is high, then the value of that currency rises.

FX Trading

Trading money in the global markets can be great way to make more of it, but it can also be a lesson in how to lose money quickly. More than $1 trillion is traded every day on the foreign currency exchange (Forex), and yet no centralized headquarters or formal regulatory body exists for this form of trade. Foreign currency exchange is regulated through a patchwork of international agreements between countries, most of which have some type of regulatory agency that controls what goes on within their respective borders. Thus, the foreign currency exchange actually is a worldwide network of traders who are connected by telephone and computer screens.

It is very important to understand money jargon in FX trading. The world of foreign currency exchange has a unique language of its own. Prices are quoted two ways, meaning that when one trader talks price with another, they state their respective prices in terms of what exchange rate they will pay to buy it and what they will take when selling it. Bid and ask price differences, or spreads, usually are stated in pips or hundredths of a currency units. Spreads normally are no more than ten pips.

Pips are the smallest incremental price movement permitted in the currency market. Although most transactions deal in thousands or millions of dollars, yen, Euros or other currencies, and a one-cent spread can equal thousands of dollars, most currency price quotes nevertheless are extended out to four decimals. Many times, traders quote only the last two digits or the small numbers, because the incremental changes are so small only the last two digits matter. As a trader in FX trading you need to think in terms of the host currency when receiving a quote for direct exchange, which would be an exchange based on the value of the host country’s currency.

Online Commodity Trading

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Traditionally, commodities were things of value that were produced in huge quantities by a lot of different producers for commercial sale. Despite being produced by different producers, the value of the commodity was equivalent.
Trade in commodities, ranging from agricultural produce like corn to natural resources like oil, is done in the mercantile exchanges like the New York Mercantile Exchange and the London Metal Exchange.
Commodity is defined as an object with a use value, an exchange value and a price. The first form of futures trading was commodity futures trading. It is also the most volatile amongst the futures markets since most of the goods traded are primarily perishable in nature and highly sensitive to a lot of factors, including weather and political elements.
That being said, money can be made in the commodity trading markets if you have done your research carefully and are willing to invest large amounts into playing the markets. You will need to be well-versed in the history and future of market trends and have in-depth knowledge of the commodity you seek to trade.
Like most futures markets, investors can be divided into hedgers – those who have a need for the commodities being traded and have an interest in keeping prices fixed for their benefit, and speculators who try to make a profit by predicting the movement of markets and buying commodities “on paper”, without having any real need for them.
Online commodity trading has developed quickly thanks to advances in technology. Now you can sit at home and play the mercantile markets, selling and buying as you wish in order to turn a profit for your investment. A number of brokerages provide online trading services, and you can open accounts with these firms and use their trading platforms to carry on the buying and selling of commodities. They also provide up-to-the-minute information and research so that their clients can make informed decisions regarding trades.

Forex Day Trading Systems

Usually, we associate trading with purchasing a commodity, bringing it home or to our business premises, and then selling it. Similarly, we purchase stocks and shares in the stocks and shares market, hold them until their value increases and then sell them off.
Times have changed, and now trading can be done on a daily or even hourly basis in the stocks and shares market, and also in the foreign currency markets. This has become possible due to the forex day trading services, also called intra day trading.
Due to intra day trading or day trading, people can make money on the trading day itself. Day trading, despite differences in times zones throughout the world, is also popular because the forex market remains open 24 hours a day.
Another reason that attracts people to day trading is the fact that the forex market is the most liquid market in the world. The moment your transaction is executed, your profits are credited to your bank account. This has become possible due to the decentralized clearing system, which allows the market to remain liquid day and night.
Another advantage of day trading is that you don’t need to invest a lot of money to make profits. You don’t have to incur huge losses either. This is, of course, if you pay attention to the guidance provided by your brokering company about the entry and exit times. There are many forex-trading companies that can train you for day trading so that your transactions are not reduced to gambling. These companies provide you with trading strategies and data charts that guide you when to buy or sell. They also teach you to interpret forex quotes, and also how and when to buy and sell the currencies by interpreting various technical and analytical studies.

Unlimited Earnings, Low Risk

Online foreign exchange trading could well a great home business opportunity if one gets the hang of it. It is supposed to be the biggest and fastest growing market on earth. Its daily turnover is more than 2.5 trillion dollars. You can trade from anywhere in the world with your account. All you need is a computer with an internet connection.
You can take advantage of the daily fluctuations in the currency market. You buy for less and sell for more. You can buy in one currency (eg.Euro) and sell in another currency (US Dollar) I have tried it out myself and even managed a few dollars profit on the very first day of trading.
The best part is that unlike the stock market, where you have no control over your losses, you cannot lose more than your initial investment, which is as low as $25. You can make unlimited profits but lose only your initial investment. So once you get a hang of it there is no saying how much you can gain. However, it would be unwise to risk a big amount when you are just started.
So the next time you are weighing your options for an online home business opportunity, do try out this option. It is exciting and very addictive. But just make sure you do not risk more than you can afford.

Currency Trading Guide

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Currency trading or forex (foreign exchange) as the name suggests refers to the act of exchanging the legal tender of one country for another. “In finance the exchange rate between two currencies specifies how much one currency is worth in terms of the other”. For instance an exchange of 200 Japanese yen to dollar indicate that 120 yen is worth the same as 1USD. Exchange rate is also called as foreign currency rate.

Currency trading is a very ancient phenomenon. Its existence can be traced back to time before money and Internet were discovered. The custom of currency trading began with the bartering system i.e. our ancestors commenced trading of goods against other goods. This bartering system was quite incompetent and needed lot of negotiation and investigation to be able to strike a deal. In the years that followed the important metals such gold, silver and bronze were standardized and graded to make easy the exchange of merchandise. The grounds for these mediums of exchange were acceptance by the general public and realistic variables such as durability and storage. As the middle age came, a variety of paper exchange started taking place and that became quite popular as an exchange medium.

Time passed by and the simple bartering system evolved into a complex and huge industry of foreign or currency exchange. Though with the use of money and banks the system developed to a large extent but it is still developing with the aid of Internet.

Currency exchange is not a simple task. It requires enormous time, market knowledge, ability to study the current market and predict its future course and also immense self-control. But the currency exchange market is extremely volatile and fast. There is no guarantee either of profit or of loss. To be successful in this market a trader has to take into consideration technical and fundamental data and make an informed decision on behalf of his observation of forex futures trading market sentiment and market expectations. Proper planning in timing a trade correctly is perhaps the most crucial factor in successful currency trading. However yet there are times when a trader misses the mark i.e. when his timing will be off.

Besides timing factor being rightly handled, patience of a trader is also quite essential. Perseverance is one of the essential characteristics of a trader. He or she might not be academically qualified enough but must have the potential to stand for a good time in the market. It is only after spending a good amount of time that you understand the intricacies of the market and start accruing some gains.

Currency Update – 5 Trades Correct Last Week, What Does This Week Hold

With our currency update last week we had some great trades and while we were right, we also know that if we were wrong, our risk was small for all trades entered.
We have had some fantastic profits last week but that’s the past, let’s look at the currencies this week and what we think will happen.
Our view last week was the longer term trend in the dollar was down and we would see this continue after, what was a good correction to the upside and we were proved correct.
As we said last week always look at the weekly chart to get the overall trend and the daily chart to time your entry. Let’s look at the majors and what lays in store this week and roundup last weeks action.
US Dollar Index
The correction ended dramatically and the dollar index is falling towards its lows. The double bottom at the lows is the target and a decisive break of these will see further weakness.
Traders should focus on getting in on this move on a bounce to the mid Bollinger band or a punch through the lows and a breakout to the downside. This market looks very weak so this is the way to focus.
British Pound
All trends are up hold longs. No entry at current levels as stochastics look very over bought. We will look at a dip to enter but for now no entry point, if you are in enjoy the ride.
A great move up last week. All trends are up and an advance to the highs is on after the currency punched through the mid Bollinger band. a Break of the highs will see a far bigger advance. Again same as pound no entry.
This currency long term trend is down (in contrast to the ones above on the weekly chart) and we have had a strong correction up to the 8800 level, this is the mid Bollinger band on the daily chart and also resistance on the weekly chart and if prices stall here we should see the yen retreat but odds are not clear just yet, what will happen.
If the yen cannot move strongly early next week look for a retreat back to the lows but wait for confirmation and a downturn on the stochastics ie a crossing with bearish divergence.
The commodity currencies
We all know that the commodity markets are booming and the Canadian and Australian Dollar can help you take advantage.
This week we will also look at the Australian Dollar as well as the Canadian dollar we looked at last week
Australian Dollar
The weekly chart shows a close over the mid bollnger band and the daily chart shows strength buy dip to the mid bollinger band or breakoput of the 7600 level. This currency should become a big bull market in the near future.
Canadian dollar
The lager of the all the positions we looked at last week. We are long but we could have a test of our entry at the double or triple bottom after Friday’s action. If you are looking to get in this is the area to target at present. The long term trend is firmly up on the weekly chart and this market should remain bullish for the foreseeable future.

Forex Guide

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The term Forex is the short form of Foreign Exchange. Any type of financial instrument that is used to make payments between countries is taken to be foreign exchange. Electronic transactions, paper currency, checks and signed, written orders called bills of exchange are all instruments of foreign exchange.

Forex indicates increased or decreased value of an investment caused solely by currency movements. For instance finding US dollar weak or going down, an investor might purchase German money markets.

There are quite a few forex indicators. For instance

1. Average Directional Movement Index (ADX)- ADX is used when we need to know the direction in which the market trend is going i.e. either downward or upward and how strong the trend is. When ADX readings over 25 indicate a trend with higher values indicating stronger trends.

2. Moving Average Convergence or Divergence (MACD)- MACD presents the momentum of the market and the liaison between two moving averages. When MACD crosses the signal line it shows a strong market.

3. Stochastic Oscillator- Stochastic Oscillator indicates the strength and weakness of a market by comparing a closing price range over a period of time. Stochastic reading above 80 depicts the currency is overbought while its reading below 20 indicates that the currency is oversold.

4. Relative Strength Indicator (RSI)- RSI or the Relative Strength Indicator is a scale of 100 that indicates the maximum and the minimum prices over a specified period. The price rising above 70 implies overbought while the price falling below 30 means oversold.

5. Moving Average- Moving average Forex indicator is the average price for a given time interval in relation to other prices during the similar time periods. For instance the closing prices over a 5-day period would have a moving average of the total of the five closing prices divided by five.

6. Bollinger Bands- Bollinger bands comprise of a majority of a currency’s price. There are three lines in the bands out of which the upper and the lower lines stand for the price movement while the middle one represents the average price. When high volatility prevails in the market, greater distance is witnessed between the upper and the lower bands. The time when a band touches one, overbought and oversold conditions are depicted.

Highest liquidity is observed in the forex market. The forex market absorbs trading volumes and per trade size higher than any other market. This liquidity and the freedom to enter and leave the market anytime attract investors to forex.

How To Prosper At Forex Trading – Leverage & The K-Factor

How would you like to have fewer hassles with your next business lease while significantly trimming costs? You can. In fact, getting better lease flexibility can easily trump getting the lowest lease rate. Here is how you can get superior lease flexibility while slashing overall leasing expense:

Lease Amount

First, make sure the lease allows you to include most of the equipment you intend to acquire. You will avoid negotiating another financing arrangement on the excluded equipment. Check that you can easily add more equipment to the lease as your needs change. The better lease arrangements provide for multiple lease schedules under a master lease or the ability to amend existing leases to make additions.

Payment Schedule

Getting a lease payment schedule that matches your company’s cash flow cycle is a big benefit in a lease arrangement. Many lessors are able to accommodate reasonable requests, subject to their own administrative constraints and their view of your company’s credit standing. Monthly and quarterly payments schedules are typical arrangements. Schedules that vary payments to accommodate cash flow seasonality are less typical, but you can negotiate such an arrangement in many cases.

Interim Rent

You can slash lease costs significantly by limiting interim rent. Interim rent is the rent you pay for daily use of equipment between the equipment acceptance and lease start dates. Interim rent can balloon lease pricing by arbitrarily extending the term of the lease (albeit by only days). The best approach is to schedule equipment delivery and acceptance toward the end of the month, to reduce the interim period. Another strategy is to negotiate a truncated period at the end of the lease such that the interim period and truncated period, together, total one monthly payment.


A flexible lease arrangement anticipates equipment upgrades. Usually, at the time of upgrade, the present value of rents associated with the upgrade can be combined with the present value of the remaining equipment rents to create a revised schedule.

How To Profit Trading Forex

Monday, December 04, 2006

If anyone has ever told you it’s easy to make money in Forex they are misleading you. Successful traders have discipline, the ability to manage their money and understand the psychology of the market. Trading is not done by guessing which way the market will move, but by using either fundamental analysis or technical analysis.

To make any kind of money in this world, you need a definite plan to follow in order to get from point A to B. The same holds true when trading in Forex. Many traders are able to follow a set of rules. How often you break this set of rules will have an effect on how much money you can actually make in the Forex market. The real challenge presents itself when a trader follows their rules and the rules fail to make any money at all. Sticking to your trading rules at all costs even while losing money will eventually yield a profitable trading system.

Sticking to a set of rules is not enough to become a profitable trader. Managing your money is extremely important. Many beginning traders over-leverage themselves and eventually lose their entire account. A good money management system to follow is always look to win twice as much as you lose on each trade. This way you only have to be right 50% of the time and you can still profit. Good money management will beat out a great trading system any day.

The most challenging aspect to over come in the Forex market is going to be your psychology. Being a trader, you need to learn to accept losses. Losses are going to happen in this market and it’s impossible to avoid them. The key is to keep your losses minimal and let your profits run. Every trader will face a psychological battle with themselves whether they are in profit or losing money. It’s important to refer back to a set of rules and discipline yourself to follow these rules when you begin to question yourself on a trade. Too many times traders have lost money and begin revenge trading to make their money back. Again, too many times traders have stopped themselves out of a profitable trade too early because the market goes against them initially, only to reverse in their favor.

Genuine Forex Trading Online - Revealed!

A good portion of the online forex trading information isn't genuine because marketers cleverly disguise the learning material as a long sales letters to highly priced products, services and software.

I don't have a problem with them selling products, as long as they offer useful and genuine online forex trading information. You need books that are not biased and provide a variety of resources for continuing education and comparison.

After all, you are expecting to learn about the online forex trading in genuine layman's terms with easy-to-follow examples. The problem with the majority of books on trading forex is they have been unnecessarily complex and technically dense, written for institutional investors making billion dollar-plus trades.

Make certain the resources on any site provides you with high value forex trading system courses and the straight-talking information you need to get a feel for the market and determine how to fit forex trading into your long-term investing program.

Genuine online forex training should go beyond simply describing what the forex is and setting up a trading station, opening an account, and placing your first trade.

It should provide concise and effective how-to principles for successful trading including fundamental analysis such as economic indicators, inflationary indicators and more. Your education must also contain technical analysis from basic charts and patterns to Fibonacci, Elliot Wave, and Pivot Points.

Money management principles and the psychology of trading are required to ensure that you trade with your head instead of your heart. Genuine online forex trading information should provide multiple trading techniques so that you also learn charts and graphs. You cannot get around this.

Do not be impressed at all with the way fundamental and technical analysis are interpreted and explained when they are superficially covered while the psychology of trading forex is not even mentioned.

Any trader ending up with less than this is merely receiving forex 101 materials and not real forex trading training, just a compilation of some articles with no real pragmatic and systematic plan on how to apply the information to winning forex trading.

Another common misconception is thinking there is no-way any respectable big time publisher or online bookstore would release a book if it was just advertising. However, many would be traders have been proved wrong.

Earn Thousands Hourly (with a Forex Simulator)

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Test-driving an online forex demo account is the preferred method of potential traders to minimize risk. A demo account readily allows a cautious person to go online and observe exactly how a paid account would work. Think of it like playing the popular wargame Command and Conquer: you send in the troops (gobs of fictitious money), make a few tactical maneuvers (invest in speculative exchanges) and conquer territories (reap profit).

It can be addictive. Without investing and risking any real money, the investor plays with ghost money in an account and initiates buys and sells the same way it would be done in reality. The software used for these demo accounts parallels what the real trading platform does. Real figures are pulled from exchanges, trend charts are generated, and profits are calculated from buy/sell maneuvers., A trader sees at the end of the day the net loss or gain should real money had been used in the transactions.

Even a novice can trade. Let’s assume an investor pretends to open a margin account with ten thousand dollars. He watches trends in the currency markets and believes that the dollar will go up in value against the British pound. The demo software empowers him to purchase at a ten to one margin; he then authorizes a buy of one hundred thousand dollars of dollars and sells one hundred thousand dollars of Pounds. There will be a spread, or difference, which accumulates to the gains, or “profit”.

Why invest time with demo accounts? Simple. It’s safe to learn the currency trade without having real money to lose.

Think of it like crashing your car in driving simulators or doing crazy rolls in an F-14 - on a Playstation. You stretch your creativity, test your reflexes and build your skills all behind the safety of a highly immersive computer screen. Your mind gets a full reflex workout without incurring damage to property and incurring lawsuits!

The same holds true for forex trading. Spending time with a demo account allows the potential trader to gain skills and learn the ins and outs of the game and the market place. A person is then able to see if they truly have the instincts necessary for the market and have sufficient knowledge to “play with the big boys.”

Almost all online companies involved in forex trading offer demo accounts, sometimes free and sometimes for a small fee. Even if a fee is paid, it is usually worth it because a forex trader can flex his skills and knowledge for vast profits after spending some time practicing with the forex demo software.

Setting up a demo account requires nothing more than a valid email address and your name. Upon activation, you will have access to the usual charts, graphs, ordering system and even prediction tools. The latter are quite interesting, particularly predictive implements based on Fibonnacci… but take care that such tools can never predict swings in the market. Too many social, political and environmental variables cause erratic fluctuations and no software can ever take those into consideration.

Richard Peyton, my good friend, benefited from a forex demo account. After months of study of the forex market, Jackson was convinced that he could make a go of it as a day trader in the forex market. His girlfriend, however wasn’t convinced and feared the inherent risk. She considered forex nothing more than sophisticated gambling.

Forex Currency Trading: How to Get Started

There are several things to consider before getting started in forex currency trading. Initially, you'll need to selct a broker that is right for you in order to facilitate your trades.

Compare Brokers for Better Profitability

The spread generally referred to as the bid/ask spread is what brokers charge instead commission fees. While comparing brokers you’ll notice that spreads in forex currency trading fluctuate much like in the stock market. Make certain you’re receiving the lowest spread available because it means more profit in your pocket.

Use Qualified and Reputable Firms

Forex brokers are typically associated with large banks due to the large amount of capital that is required to operate in the forex market. Make certain the forex brokers you’re considering are registered with the Futures Commission Merchant (FCM) as well as regulated by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) as a registered National Futures Association (NFA) member.

Evaluate Research Support Services

Forex brokers offer various trading platforms for traders like brokers in other markets do. These trading platforms provide real-time charts, technical analysis tools, real-time news and support for various trading systems.

Prior to committing to any one broker use free trials and practice accounts to compare trading platforms and services.

Keep Your Leverage Options Open

Leverage is a ratio of total capital available to actual capital which is the amount of money a broker will lend you for trading. Take for example the ratio of 10:1, this means that your broker will lend you $10 for every $1 of actual trading capital.

Select a Trading Account That Fits Your Budget

Forex trading brokers offer several accounts. The smallest account you can open is the mini account that only requires as little as $300. The standard forex currency trading requires a minimum of $2,000 initial capital to start and gives you an option to trade with a variety of leverages.

A premium account can require $5,000 – $10,000 to get started. It offers the same leverage options as the standard as well as additional tools and services. At the end of the day, select the broker that has the right leverage, tools, and services that meet your budget needs as well as your investment goals.