
Best Trading System - This One is Simple, Free, Works and Makes Consistent Long Term Profits

Thursday, July 24, 2008

If you are looking for a trading system to seek long term profits with then consider the one enclosed its simple, it's free and has made millions in the markets for savvy traders for over 25 years. Here we will outline the rules and why it works and will continue to work.

The system was devised in the late seventies by famous trader Richard Donchian and was originally applied to the commodity markets, although it works on any trending market.

Currencies trend well, so it's very popular and effective on these markets. The system is simplicity itself and the rule is revealed in its name - The 4 Week Rule

The trading system maintains a constant position in the market and works in the following way. Cover short positions and buy long whenever the price exceeds highs of the four preceding full calendar weeks. Then liquidate long positions and sell short whenever the price falls under the lows of the four preceding full calendar weeks.

Why It Works

While the system is simple, don't think it won't make money, it will and has for years and many of the worlds top traders Incorporate it in there trading. This system will beat 95% or more of the trading systems sold on the net as it's been traded real time and works, while most robots sold are simply simulations that are back tested.

Here are 4 major advantages of the system.

1. This system is based on sound technical principles with signals that are mechanical and totally objective.

2. It is a long term trend-following system so our trader is virtually guaranteed to be on the right side of every major trend and currencies are one of the best trending markets.

3. It us based on the known fact that most major trends start from new market highs or lows and also follows the well quoted "let profits run, while cutting losses short".

4. This system can be traded with or without the aid of a computer and it will only take 20 minutes a day or less to run so is very time effective.

What are the Weaknesses of the System?

All systems have a weakness and this one does to and that's when markets don't trend it can generate "false" or losing signals and here you can add a filter to smooth the drawdown.

Simply exit on a one or two week high or low and go flat and then wait for the next 4 week signal to trigger a long or short position.

It Will Work and Continue to Work

As a trading system for long term gains though it really is a great robust system which will never go out of date and will continue to catch and hold long term trends. As long as currency markets trend this system will continue to pile up gains long term.

Simple? Yes it is but test it and you will see how much money it makes and while other systems come and go with glossy packages and hyped advertising, this one still remains a favorite of the serious forex trader, who is looking for a simple, robust, trading system which produces results, year after year.

Check out the 4 Week Rule and you will see just how powerful this simple system is.

Forex Robots - Why They Are Not Better Than Humans and Most Lose!

Most forex robots lose there are some that are good but to say they are better than humans is simplistic there not for two reasons...

There are two limitations which you need to be aware of when using even a good robot.

1. Robots can only do tasks programmed into them by Humans

2. Markets do NOT move to a mathematical formula so of course they have limitations

Humans are capable of independent thought and that is why most of the major top trading houses in the world still use human dealers and computer trading systems combined. The human brain is simply the most powerful computer on the planet it may not have processing speed but in terms of different calculations it can make its way ahead of any computer.

Also consider this.

In the last 50 years the same number of traders lose as they did in yester year - that's 95% and this is despite the awesome processing speed of computers. Your PC On your desk, is far more powerful than the computer which put man on the moon.

While processing power is a help, the markets are not mathematical and don't move to a scientific theory (if they did we would all know the answer in advance and there would be no market) so if they don't move to science, computers can only do so much.

Why most forex Robots lose

The ones that are sold and appear to have fantastic track records, have actually have never been traded in the real world. They have simply been back tested and the rules bent to fit the data ( this is known as curve fitting) and while they work on the segment of data tested, this exact price history never repeats again and the system breaks in real time trading.

Check most of the sold track records on robots and there is NEVER a real track record and they never work.

Are there any good forex robots?

Yes but you must understand they have limitations and are not perfect - they will have periods of losses that last weeks but you can find ones that make money and that's the aim of forex trading. The best forex trading systems tend to be simple and robust. The forex markets will soon break a complicated system.

Many traders like the idea of a forex robot working away and them making no effort, we all do but remember, you have to have the discipline to apply it and that means knowing how and why it works and sticking with it, through periods of losses, until you hit a home run. To say that computers are better than humans at trading is incorrect, as a computer is simply a reflection of the programmer and while they can make money, anyone who thinks that building ever more complex computer programs will make money are wrong.

Computers have there place in trading - but just like humans they have limitations. Both a human and a forex robot can make money and neither is necessarily better at trading than the other.

The Best Forex Trading Education - What Can it Be Worth?

The reason why over 90% of Forex traders lose money and plenty of it is because they're ignorant of how the market really operates and the way to actually make money on it. That's too bad because getting a proper forex trading education is not that hard. It just requires a decision to invest some of your time and money not just in trading but also in learning how to trade forex.

Why some people decide to neglect this crucial step of learning is beyond me. If you're going to be risking thousands of dollars on trading, don't you think you need to spend a little on knowing what you're doing? This isn't a game. It's a place where the professionals take the money of the ignorant. That's why the best Forex trading education is worth not hundreds of dollars or even thousands. It's worth tens of thousands and more.

Consider this: each day you can carve a piece of a 2-3 trillion dollar Forex pie. That's how money the Forex market sees on a daily basis. Incredible. But you need to know what you're doing. Otherwise you're just a small fish in an ocean of sharks.

What you need to realize is that a great forex trading education course costs money. You can't expect to buy a single book for $50 and get a truly remarkable insight into the market. It doesn't work that way. Wouldn't you rather spend more on the best forex course and get your money back in trading for years to come rather than throw $50 down the drain? Each Forex course is a one time fee and you can use the knowledge for years and years. That's how powerful this is. It's like building your own business and having it give you money on a regular basis. It's a way to achieve financial independence.

Of course, Forex trading does have it's risks even if you do get a good education. Even the best Forex trading education course can't guarantee 100% successful trades, and any one who does is a liar. However, a good Forex course can show you how to handle different market conditions in an optimal way so you'll profit at a much higher ratio than lose. Overtime, you will see your profits grow and grow. You will also know exactly what to do and won't have to rely on instincts and emotions.

Do yourself a favor: invest your money in a proper forex education. It will be one of the best investments you have ever made.

How to Make $335,000 a Year Using an Automatic Forex Trading Software That Makes Money on Autopilot!

3.5 Trillion dollars are traded through the Forex Market daily; get your slice of that pie with an easy to use EA (expert advisor). The forex marketplace gives many people profitable opportunities. It operates 24 hours a day, & does not suffer from long down periods, and can create a profit regardless of market direction. One of the biggest advantages of the forex marketplace is that it can be traded without any effort with the use of an EA.

EAs are developed by forex trading Pros, and can be downloaded to use with any Metatreder4 Broker. After the EA is installed it requier no human intervertion. They simply know when and how to trade. Even if you don't know the first thing about currency trading, you can easily make a fortune in the foreign exchange markets with the right EA.

An EA such as the Forex Tracer is my ideal trading system. I purchased the Forex Tracer in March, 08 and my life has been unbelievably stress free since then. I could even build wealth while spending time with friends and family. The Forex Tracer keeps pulling & signaling profits, even while you're nowhere near a computer!

The Forex Tracer comes from a well known media group: NC Media. This group is well known for their high quality products and service. After purchasing their Forex Tracer, I was directed to a download page with a technical support address, download link, instruction manual, and video tutorials on how to set up. They make the installation process very easy and detailed.

The biggest advantage of the Forex Tracer is its ability to trade both uptrend and downtrends. After careful testing, most traders noticed that the direction of the market does not matter to this system. Money is coming regardless of market direction or the value of the US dollar. There is always money to be made.

The Cherry Picker is sealing the decision about Forex Tracer. It is a custom set of forex indicators which works wonderfully. Traders who used these indicators claimed that a big portion of their profits came from them. The Cherry Picker comes with Forex Tracer at no extra charge.

All these reasons make Forex Tracer the ideal forex trading system. Anyone who would like to be more prosperous in life needs to consider this awesome opportunity!

Free Online Forex Trading Courses - Your One-Way Ticket to Riches

You can benefit from free online forex trading courses now! All it takes is a little determination on your part and you can be as skillful as the top traders profiting in today's market. Participating in such a trading course will probably be the best decision you will make in your quest for your first million.

Your first million is what you should pay attention to, because after your first, your succeeding millions will become easier and easier. In order for you to achieve that mythical first million you need to know everything about what you are getting yourself into; this is just plain old common sense.

When making big decisions, you really must be as correctly informed as possible. There is after all, no substitute for proper preparation. Much like in a war, you must know the inner mechanics of every detail involved to win, which in this case means, to profit. After all, you can't go around and risk your money in things you know little about.

This is the beauty of free online forex trading courses. You get to become an educated trader. You get to know the basics of exchanging currencies in international markets. Not only are you taught how to profit on your trades but this course is free. Since it is free, you are left with more money to deal in foreign exchange.

You may be wondering what you can get with these training. What you get out of this is simple; you get what is needed for you to move towards your goal of becoming a success. Your success is the goal of these free online forex trading courses. If you'll work hard enough for it, combined with the knowledge and guidance being offered, your success is never far away.

These training offer you the basics and the practical tips needed for financial success in currency exchange. They offer you sound advice that has already made millions for many. The basics taught will provide you with the keen sense for improving your success.

The lessons you learn on these courses will not only provide you with the needed technical know-how, but will also foster in you the confidence required to succeed in foreign exchange trades. After all, if you know everything, there is little you fear and much to gain.

If you're ready to receive the wisdom of free online forex trading courses, then visit my page for more details.

How to Trade Currencies With Less Risk

Testing out currency pairs is the cornerstone of forex trading. To do this a plan must first be kept in place. The use of the plan allows the trader to examine which currency pair reacts the best and allows for higher profits. For example, if USD/CHF, GBP/USD and EUR/USD were tested using the plan, and the results showed that USD/CHF had reacted positively, this currency pair is concentrated on more than the others.

The first rule of trading currencies is to never enter into a trade without researching on it. The forex market is based around researching the market and analyzing the different currency pairs available to exchange. It is recommended that each trader have a plan in place before entering the forex market. However, each plan must be tested before entering the market. This can be done through demo accounts.

Another rule when it comes to trading currencies is to never trade a currency pair which the trader does not know about. Trading involves many risks. As well as that, it is understandable that there are many currency pairs available to trade with that it may be overwhelming. However, it is not advised that a trader just pick any currency pair to trade with. High amounts of money can be lost through this form of thinking. By pre-testing currency pairs, it allows the trader to have a fair idea of how each one works. Thus, going for predictable currency pairs is always the best option.

Each currency pair reacts differently to outside influences. For example, some currency pairs can be effected by government deficits or surpluses, whilst others won't be greatly effected by it. Fundamental analysis allows a trader to determine which currency pairs are effected and which one's aren't. Each pair is unpredictable in their own way. Thus, by using the information found through fundamental analysis and testing out currency pairs in demo accounts, a trader can get a fair idea of each pair reacts in certain situations.

Technical analysis is also a major key to testing out each currency pair. It has been shown, through vast amounts of research, that some currency pairs differences can be found more easily then others through technical analysis. For example, through moving averages, money flow index's and relative strength index's. However, finding these differences through technical analysis is not an easy thing to do. Only experiences traders are able to find the little differences.

Since each currency pair is different, it is up to the trader to find the one that suits them best. The currency pair that is chosen, should allow them to meet their goals when it comes to the forex market. As well as that, it should suit their personality and the situation that they are in. For example, a trader that only does trading as a side-job. This would limit the amount of time they can spend on the forex market. Thus, they would need a low-risk currency pair, which doesn't need constant surveillance and is fairly predictable. The use of a mentor can also help a trader. The mentor can examine a trader and their personality and based on their years of experience and judgment skills, can give educated advice to the trader.

Here's a Forex Day Tradiing Tip - Stop Following Indicators!

If you are a total newbie or a frustrated veteran in the forex world, you've probably been reading forums or newsletters trying to catch the latest "hot" forex trading tip. Well I've got one for you. Get rid of those annoying indicators you keep staring at. It's only causing more confusion. That's the very last thing you need when trading forex.

I know that all the posters on forex forums give you tips like putting 10 moving averages on your charts and when they all cross then you buy or sell. When you read something like this, you instantly have to ask yourself, "what in the world does this have to do with the market?" It's as completely random and arbitrary as saying "I'm going to close this trade within 10 minutes because I'm getting tired". If you don't have a good reason, which you could explain, for getting in or out of a trade, then you shouldn't be taking that trade in the first place. it's as simple as that.

I know it may seem easier following the indicators, but you are doing yourself a great disservice. Listen, if you are having success trading them, then more power to you. Keep on doing what you're doing. You were able to figure out something that I painfully couldn't. But I have a feeling most are still struggling with them. After all if they were succeeding there wouldn't be that many of these "hot" forex day trading tips going around, would there?

Try following this tip, it might work for you, it might not. Just spend the entire day looking at your chart without any indicators. Just one day. Follow a 5, 10, 30 or 60 minute chart. Don't try to force yourself into seeing something. Just be a spectator. At the end of the day you might have noticed that there are pattern which get repeated on a constant basis. These are patterns that signify if the currency is ready to reverse, breakout, or stay in a range.

I know this may seem boring, but trading forex shouldn't be done for entertainment's sake. It should be done so you have an understanding of what you're looking at.