Most forex robots lose there are some that are good but to say they are better than humans is simplistic there not for two reasons...
There are two limitations which you need to be aware of when using even a good robot.
1. Robots can only do tasks programmed into them by Humans
2. Markets do NOT move to a mathematical formula so of course they have limitations
Humans are capable of independent thought and that is why most of the major top trading houses in the world still use human dealers and computer trading systems combined. The human brain is simply the most powerful computer on the planet it may not have processing speed but in terms of different calculations it can make its way ahead of any computer.
Also consider this.
In the last 50 years the same number of traders lose as they did in yester year - that's 95% and this is despite the awesome processing speed of computers. Your PC On your desk, is far more powerful than the computer which put man on the moon.
While processing power is a help, the markets are not mathematical and don't move to a scientific theory (if they did we would all know the answer in advance and there would be no market) so if they don't move to science, computers can only do so much.
Why most forex Robots lose
The ones that are sold and appear to have fantastic track records, have actually have never been traded in the real world. They have simply been back tested and the rules bent to fit the data ( this is known as curve fitting) and while they work on the segment of data tested, this exact price history never repeats again and the system breaks in real time trading.
Check most of the sold track records on robots and there is NEVER a real track record and they never work.
Are there any good forex robots?
Yes but you must understand they have limitations and are not perfect - they will have periods of losses that last weeks but you can find ones that make money and that's the aim of forex trading. The best forex trading systems tend to be simple and robust. The forex markets will soon break a complicated system.
Many traders like the idea of a forex robot working away and them making no effort, we all do but remember, you have to have the discipline to apply it and that means knowing how and why it works and sticking with it, through periods of losses, until you hit a home run. To say that computers are better than humans at trading is incorrect, as a computer is simply a reflection of the programmer and while they can make money, anyone who thinks that building ever more complex computer programs will make money are wrong.
Computers have there place in trading - but just like humans they have limitations. Both a human and a forex robot can make money and neither is necessarily better at trading than the other.
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