There is one other category of home business that offers outstanding earning potential and in many ways is better than any of the other business ideas we’ve covered so far. It’s not for everybody, though, as there is some risk until you know what you’re doing. But once you learn the right strategies and techniques the sky truly is the limit. What we’re talking about of course is TRADING.
Trading is a good business to consider for aspiring work-at-home entrepreneurs because it allows you all of the benefits that you want from working at home without some of the hassles that come along with owning a traditional business. These advantages include:
· No employees to hassle with. Now or ever.
· No products to create, develop, research, or stock.
· No marketing strategies to develop.
· No phone ringing off the hook constantly.
· No set hours to deal with.
· No unhappy customers to contend with.
· You get the idea…
Is trading for everybody? No, probably not. You have to be able to work by yourself with limited contact throughout the day. This means that you have to be something of a self starter. What if you’re not a self-starter? Well, if you want it bad enough you will find ways of working around a problem like that. Become an active participant in an online trading forum, or find a local trader club to get involved with. Once you get successful, you’ll find that you have more time on your hands to do the kind of things you want to do (think…semi-retirement….), and you might end up not minding the time you get to spend alone while working your trading business.
Active trading (as opposed to passive investing such as plopping some money into a mutual fund and hoping) is a skill that’s part art, part science, part luck, and a lot of hard work. You must be disciplined and well organized, too. There’s an old saying that says if something’s worthwhile then it’s probably not easy. And even though that’s definitely true about trading, don’t be discouraged from trying because SUCCESSFUL TRADING CAN BE LEARNED!
In case you missed that last statement, let me say it one more time:
Yep, that’s right! Despite what you may have heard, read, or been told to the contrary, trading is a skill that can be learned by just about anyone. The great thing, too, is that once learned you can apply your trading skills to any market at any time. Stocks, commodities, Forex…whatever you like, they all follow the same basic rules and can be traded in similar ways.
So, let’s say you’d like to learn to trade, but have no idea where to start. What you need to do is find a good study course and spend some time studying. Most people will want to concentrate on just one type of market, especially starting out, so which market is right for you and how do you decide?
Although there are many factors that you need to consider when deciding which market to trade, it boils down to just a few criteria:
· Money making potential
· Flexibility of trading hours
· Risk Control
· Availability of critical information
· Can you sleep at night