In online FX trading, traders look for a currency that offers the highest return with the lowest risk. For example, if a nation’s financial instruments, such as stocks and bonds, offer high rates of return with relatively low risk, then traders who are foreign to that nation want to buy that currency, thus increasing the demand. Currency is also in demand when its country is going through a growth segment in its business cycle, highlighted by stable prices and a whole range of goods and services for sale. Forex traders who speculate on the values of currencies to earn their keep look for specific signs to indicate when exchange rates may change.
Traders in online FX trading try to predict well in advance the factors like political instability, rising interest rates and economic reforms so that they can get in or out of a currency before others. Correctly guessing where a currency is going and taking a position in that currency at the beginning of the trend can mean huge profits for a trader.
Traders make money either by buying the currency at a lower price and then selling it later at a higher price, or by selling their holdings in currencies of other countries at higher prices before they have time to react negatively to improvements in the first currency. After the markets for their original holding fall, they simply reestablish positions in them at bargain prices.
When a trader purchases a large amount of a particular currency, then he or she is long on the currency. Conversely, when a trader sells a large amount of a currency, then he or she is short on the currency. The Forex market is dominated by four currencies, which account for 80 per cent of the market- the US dollar, the Euro, the Japanese Yen and the British pound.