
Swing Trading Systems - Buying One For Long Term Profits

Friday, June 08, 2007

Swing Trading is fun, exciting and can be very profitable and is one of the easiest forms of trading for a novice to master.

There are many swing trading systems that are sold by vendors via e-books and software, and courses or of course you can build your own.

Lets look at choosing a swing trading system that can be you some great capital gains – so what makes a successful swing trading system?

Let’s find out.

Firstly let’s give our definition of swing trading

The object of a swing trading strategy is to make money from the intermediate swings within the longer term trends and these typically last for a few days or a few weeks – this is not day trading!

You cannot make money day trading as there is no reliable data - so don’t try.

Ok let’s look at buying one from a vendor and points to consider

Here are some points to consider when buying a trading system from a vendor:

1.Understand the logic

If are swing trading forex stocks, or futures you need to understand EXACTLY how the methodology works and why it will be successful.

You must understand why the system will work because you are going to have to have the discipline to follow it through losing periods and this only comes from understanding and confidence.

So if you buy a forex swing trading system don’t follow it blindly, understand everything about it. You need the discipline to follow a trading system through losing periods, or you have no method in the first place.

Swing trading is essentially simple and the method should be easy to understand and apply.

2. Does it suit your trading personality?

Swing trading systems vary in terms of the risks they take and the drawdowns they incur - make sure that you buy a swing trading system that suits your personality and your risk tolerance.

3. The track record

While a track record does not guarantee future profitability, it does give you confidence in its ability to make money and what it is capable of.

Look for a real time track record of profits over a two year period of trading.

Don’t trust hypothetical track records these are done knowing the closing prices and really if you know the closing prices its easy to make a profit!

4. The vendor

Find out as much as possible about the vendor and their trading experience – many systems are sold by failed brokers or marketing people, who simply make up a hypothetical track record, so be wary before buying.

Look for a money back guarantee if possible. This will give you the comfort that you will get your money back if the swing trading system you are being sold does not live up to the vendors claims.

Swing trading is great for novice traders as it provides regular trades and plenty of action while hitting the high return low risk trading opportunities.

Trading opportunities also do not take long to complete and the result is quickly known – hopefully in the swing trader’s favor!